5 Chemicals Known to Affect Male Fertility and How to Avoid Them

Somehow, it seems like non-toxic living has became a woman-centric topic and industry.  

There is a plethora of doctors,  experts and influencers that focus on educating and helping women decrease their exposure to toxins in personal care, makeup, food  etc.  Most,  at some point, will remind women that it is especially important to avoid toxins when they are planning on getting pregnant and during pregnancy.   This is very true, and yes I include myself in this list of ‘ experts’…. however, when it comes to men,  there is somewhat of a void when it comes to educating them on the importance of decreasing their exposure.

But the thing is: men are really important too!

  1. If you are a #momofboys those boys will grow up very soon to become young men and adult men and exposure to many chemicals that specifically affect men’s health  often start to occur during childhood.

  2. All babies need a sperm and an egg to come into being … so while it is super important for the mom in the relationship to try to protect herself from environmental toxins, it is literally equally as important for the dad to do the same too….  and yet this is rarely spoken about.  In fact, when fertility issues come up women tend to take the load of testing etc before the men are looked at

So this week I want to focus on the boys…  I am surrounded by men (i am a #momofboys, am married to a wonderful man and have two nephews, brother etc)  and love them and want to empower them to protect their health too!

First up: Male fertility

A study published in 2017 found that among nearly 43,000 men from North America, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia, sperm counts per millilitre of semen had declined more than 50 percent from 1973 to 2011. Not not only that, “but total sperm counts were down by almost 60 percent: men are producing less semen, and that semen has fewer sperm cells in it,

If you and your partner are thinking of having a baby in the  (near?) future - pay attention (but even if you are done having kids - still pay attention if you have boys in the house!)  here are 5 chemicals known to affect male fertility and how to avoid them

  1. Phthalates. 

  • lower sperm count, less mobile sperm, birth defects in the male reproductive system, and thyroid irregularities

  • can trigger what’s known as “death-inducing signaling” in testicular cells, which means that it makes them die earlier then they should. 

Products marketed to men that can contain phthalates 

  • fragrance (id them by ingredients listed as  ‘fragrance’ or ‘perfume’—even ‘natural perfume’) cologne, aftershave, body wash, shampoo, hair gel, pomade, antiperspirant, car fragrances etc

  • soft plastics (water packs/ bottles, pvc, shower curtains, garden hoses, 

  • eating out:  people who frequently eat out at restaurants, cafeterias and fast food joints have phthalate levels about 35 percent higher than people who mostly eat food bought at a grocery store and prepared at home

2. BPA: 

  • BPA has been shown to affect sperm in various ways, including lowering sperm counts, decreasing sperm vitality and impairing sperm movement as well as lowering sex drive

Products marketed to men that can contain phthalates

  • hard clear plastic (even those labelled as BPA free will contain very similar chemicals you also want to avoid): never reheat food in plastic containers/ switch to glass, and invest in stainless steel or glass water bottle

  • Canned food: Metal cans are often lined with BPA, which may contaminate the food inside.

  • store receipts:  skip them or send them to your email

  • dental sealants

3. TCE:  trichloroethylene 

  • linked to liver, kidney and lung damage and infertility.   

  • Semen samples of mechanics who had been exposed to TCE in the workplace – and who had previously been diagnosed with infertility, ALL contained TCE.

Products marketed to men that can contain TCE

  • TCE is a volatile chemical used extensively in the automotive and metal industries as a de-greasing agent. It is also found in adhesives, lubricants, paints, varnishes, paint strippers, pesticides, spot removers and rug cleaning fluids, and has been detected in both underground and surface water sources.

4.  Cell phone radiation

Multiple studies have shown that mobile phone (and laptop) radiation can affect sperm mobility, quality, sperm count, movement, structure, appearance and viability, and it may also even damage DNA

Products that can expose you to close range EMF

  • Mobile phones, laptops and tablets are mostly to blame here

  • radiation levels decline sharply with distance, so keeping your phone out of your front pocket and away from your genitals will reduce your exposure tremendously as well as stop using your laptop on your lap. .

5. Pesticides : 

  • Different pesticides affect male fertility.  a recent study found that men who ate the highest amount of fruit and vegetables with high levels of pesticides had a 49% lower sperm count, as well as a 32% lower count of normally formed sperm,. 

What can you do? Buy organic produce, dairy products, and meats whenever possible






