Low-tox floor cleaners

I remember growing up I associated a clean floor with the smell of pone ( thanks to Pinesol of course).

Post college, living in my first apartment alone, I hated cleaning the floor so when I discovered the Swifter, I thought it was the best thing ever. I used these for a few years before realizing that the fragrance/smell was triggering headaches. ⁣ ⁣

Eventually, I started using vinegar and water or castille soap and water, because this wouldn’t trigger headaches. ⁣

⁣ Fast forward to having my first crawling baby- and that is when I really started to care about ingredients in my floor cleaners. ⁣ ⁣

Here is the thing: ⁣ floor cleaners are important because our floors cover a large area of our home. ⁣ products used to clean our floors will linger on the surface and in the air for hours after being used⁣ if you have kids, they are constantly on the floor in direct contact with these ingredients.⁣

⁣ So what is in your floor cleaner? ⁣ ⁣

The other day I decided to check the ingredients of the wet Swifter wipes again after many years to see just how bad -or not bad - the ingredients were.⁣ ⁣ Turns out they are still not great.⁣ ⁣

Most traditional cleaning products still contain similar chemicals to those mentioned above ( shout out to the @switchnaturalapp) : fragrance chemicals ( endocrine disruption), and known allergens, but also, ⁣ formaldehyde ( carcinogenic) , petroleum solvents, triclosan ( endocrine disruption and antibiotic resistance) ammonia and more⁣ ⁣ .

Better option?⁣ ⁣of course there are…. You can choose to diy with castille soap and vinegar - or you can get store bought products that have better ingredients! ⁣

Here are my top choices